Sunday, February 15, 2009

Practice of Everyday Life or Diabetic Cookery

Practice of Everyday Life

Author: Luce Giard

In this incisive book, Michel de Certeau considers the uses to which social representation and modes of social behavior are put by individuals and groups, describing the tactics available to the common man for reclaiming his own autonomy from the all-pervasive forces of commerce, politics, and culture.

What People Are Saying

Gwendolyn Wright
De Certau's panegyric to everyday human actions eloquently portrays the conversion of the routine and repetitive acts of domestic life into the experiences of creativity and pleasure.

Table of Contents:
Preface General Introduction PART I: A VERY ORDINARY CULTURE I. A Common Place: Ordinary Language II. Popular Cultures: Ordinary Language III. "Making Do": Uses and Tactics PART II: THEORIES OF THE ART OF PRACTICE IV. Foucault and Bourdieu V. The Arts of Theory VI. Story Time PART III: SPATIAL PRACTICES VII. Walking in the City VIII. Railway Navigation and Incarceration IX. Spatial Stories PART IV: USES OF LANGUAGE X. The Scriptural Economy XI. Quotations of Voices XII. Reading as Poaching PART V: WAYS OF BELIEVING XIII. Believing and Making People Believe XIV. The Unnamable Indeterminate Notes

Look this: Wines of the World or The After Work Thai Cookbook

Diabetic Cookery

Author: Rebecca Oppenheimer

Rebecca Oppenheimer's 1917 work is a useful source of recipes and menus for managing diabetes through food.

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